
عرض المشاركات من مارس, 2008

When did Jordan become a country?

What makes a country? better yet what is the definition of a country? It is not meant to make Jordan any less of a nation or a culture when you say that Jordan as a country didn't exist 100 hundred years ago. There is a big difference between an inhibited land and a country. "A country" adds the dimension of political identity, of a nation that moves with its self appointed leadership towards it's own agenda. Before the so called "independence" of Arab countries, we were part of a larger nation and a larger political cluster. It was not ONLY Jordan... Almost every other Arab country did not exist as an individual political structure as it does today. And we were sold the concept of "A COUNTRY" as if it is the greatest achievement of our modern times. Our greatest disappointment was sold as our greatest achievement!! The unity of the Arab nations was broken down with lines of ink held sacred on fresh glossy maps with 21 proud new flags!! ...