Interesting CIA figures on Jordan
Want to know unofficial employment rate in Jordan or how many Palestinian refugees are in Jordan, this is the CIA Fact book link on Jordan... What I find amusing is the following statement: "Unemployment rate: 15.4% official rate; unofficial rate is approximately 30% (2006 est.)" Ya akhi 30% in 2006, to give you a feel of what this means... approximately out of every 3 there is one unemployed.. If you think about it a bit more, it means that two thirds of the population should cater for the needs of the 30%... I'll leave the rest to you... And if one third of our population is unemployed, well then, what do you think of the poverty ratio... obviously if all employees are well paid then you will have at least 30% but we know that many are underpaid not to mention the fact that you have to split your bread cover the 30%... You do the calculations, this time I believe the unofficial CIA figures and o...