
عرض المشاركات من يونيو, 2007

Interesting CIA figures on Jordan

Want to know unofficial employment rate in Jordan or how many Palestinian refugees are in Jordan, this is the CIA Fact book link on Jordan... https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/jo.html What I find amusing is the following statement: "Unemployment rate: 15.4% official rate; unofficial rate is approximately 30% (2006 est.)" Ya akhi 30% in 2006, to give you a feel of what this means... approximately out of every 3 there is one unemployed.. If you think about it a bit more, it means that two thirds of the population should cater for the needs of the 30%... I'll leave the rest to you... And if one third of our population is unemployed, well then, what do you think of the poverty ratio... obviously if all employees are well paid then you will have at least 30% but we know that many are underpaid not to mention the fact that you have to split your bread cover the 30%... You do the calculations, this time I believe the unofficial CIA figures and o...

A King's visit shouldn't block Jordan's Roads!!! طرق الأردن مغلقة بسبب زيارة

Our lives are as precious as those of kings, nothing less... Even if this man is the Saudi King... ya3 ni this is far too much... Why should people suffer, the following cases I've just heard at work due to road blockage in Amman... For those of you who don't know, the Saudi King came to visit Jordan and people suffered traffic jams for hours all over, cause roads should be blocked only for one man to pass!!! Ok first and kind of worst... a young man had to go to hospital for ( ghaseel Kela ) how the hill do you translate that... Anyway, his father takes him only to be stopped to wait in pain, the police makes him wait regardless of his situation... This is something I know about what about all the emergency cases that had to take medication or undergo life saving operations, who will be held responsible for their lives?!? Why is it that no one speaks in the newspapers about this?!? One lady parks her car walks two hours to get to her home in the heat of the day and is actua...

سوريا جنوب الأردن يا جاهل

الزمان الشهر السادس من عام ألفين و سبعة.... مش ألفين و ثمانية عام الحرب المغناطيسية بحسب "عدنان و لينا" المهم نرجع للموضوع... عندما تشد الرحال من عمان في طريقك إلى العقبة و بعد عدة كيلومترات من المسير جنوبا تختفي كل المحطات الإذاعية من الراديو... لا ف م ولا ما يحزنون... و تظهر محطات أخرى... المهم إذاعات من سوريا و أولاد العم, طبعا إذاعة العدو و فهمناها بس شو جاب سوريا للجنوب ما حدا بعرف بس الإذاعات شغالة... طيب مش هون مربط الفرس مربط الفرس بأحد الإذاعات التي تبث أخبار الجيش و أشياء أخرى في الجنوب مش عارف ليش فتحت عليها و فجأة تعرضت لقفزة زمنية رجعتني لأيام "يا جيشنا يا عربي" و الزميل و الزميلة و العميد المتقاعد و مصطلحات من زمان ما سمعتها نشامى الوطن نفدي تراب الوطن بحياتنا إييه زمن التضحيات و كل هذا الكلام و تذكرت أنه لا يزال هناك أناس على قدر من البساطة يستمعون إلى أحلام من زمن آخر و يعيشون في أقسى الظروف أشد الأخبار وقعا في نفسي كان عندما تحدث عميد متقاعد مع" الزميلة" من قسم الإذاعة و أعلن بكل فخر عن أحد إستثمارات الجمعية و التي حققت ربح صافي في الشهر ا...

أيتام يتضورون جوعا في الظلام Should we thank the Americans for Finding them... A picture to remember

This picture is taken in an orphanage in Iraq... Young kids ages 3 to 15 years were left in the dark, doors closed, tied to their beds and starving... This report is broad casted by Al-Jazeera... http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/92AA8809-1E42-4B86-A1A6-86EE6133F1E7.htm Tell me if you can hold your tears... or if you feel these kids can never be yours... tell me if we should thank the Americans for finding them or curse them for killing their parents... Tell me if you feel they have nothing to do with you... If they are no longer human beings, tell me if you can imagine who can do such a thing... Shout with all your might: they are not brothers nor sisters of ours... For maybe then we'll sleep tight at night...

Girlfriends are bad for your self-esteem...

The place is Jara market, I'm reading a book called POP! behind the booth and a young man approaches with his wicked evil girlfriend... He flips through a couple of books, you could read it in his eyes... I want to read, I just never knew what or how!? What does his supportive girlfriend do? She turns to him, looks him in the eye and tells him in front of a mutual friend, "You're not the type of person to read such books, you should be reading comic books with pictures..." she laughs ... he halts with a confused look on his face, looks at the books again and looks back at her and smiles... all in a fraction of a second... He walks away with his devilish girlfriend and their mutual friend... Now, this is a typical case of wrecking someones self esteem, knowledge and passion... It is done systematically in low portions with many of the guys that I know... The problem is, its not even noticed by the boyfriend!! He doesn't know what's happening until someone op...