
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2007

A father slaps his kid in public! What do you do?

I read this post, by Sharkooseh ... and it brought back a distinct memory of another incident I witnessed about two months ago in Mecca Mall... It was in the expansion, a book fair was going on and the place was crowded when A young man slapped his 7 year old kid in the face, because the kid was shouting and crying... the poor kid just wanted to buy something... ughhh I remember the mother's face, unable to say anything just walking as fast as she could to catch up with the crazy husband... with a huge frown on her face... The father was furious, his face completely red, grabbed his kid by the hand and dragged him behind as he walked away real quickly... What should you do if you see such a thing?

Today's Photos & Patient Privacy

This is how patient records are treated right next to the Administration building in a public Hospital, tells you a littel bit of how Administration really works... Very interesting way of keeping patient records... As if you can't think of a million better things to do with patient records, by the way they are not that old, I spotted 2002 on one of the records out on the asphalt... So, if you want to destroy them, you can always, shred and send for recycling, that's at least environment friendly and costs nothing... There is a recycling spot just by power hut... I keep forgetting the name of that committee... I'm sure the administration didn't know about the rise in Gas Cylinders prices to 9.9JD's this morning... Burning them would be creative with all the fuel crises we are having today... Or why don't you just give it to the patient and keep an electronic copy or something... anything, just not keeping them like that... call me a freak but I would like to k...

My TWO Ethical Dilemmas for this week!

1. If pirated software is an act of stealing, does that mean I should pay back a fortune to redeem myself for all the operating systems, games, videos, cassettes, utilities...etc that I have used during my life? 2. In almost every contract we sign with a company, there is the almost impossible paragraph on secrecy that is binding even after termination of contract; you know the one about not releasing any technical, financial, marketing...., in short any information gained during work at the company. Is this even possible?!? I mean, once you quite your old work and move on, the experience you have gained is definitely technical, financial, administrative...etc. That's why you're being hired in the first place for your experience!!! how can you keep it secret or not use it and educate people that are under you?!

Why Islamic Banking is not so Islamic in Jordan?

Speaking of Islamic Banks, the word "Islamic" should be fairly simple to comprehend, anything that is Islamic would involve "helping people go to heaven". But I guess this is only my naive understanding and it is definitely not shared by the board members of current Islamic banks/financers in Jordan. They probably think of all the Shari'a compliance regulations, they look so closely that they overlook the core essence of Islamic teachings. Now if the nature of an institute is commercial I can understand that all you care about is getting as much money as you can with the lowest risk on planet earth, while taking advantage of people's beliefs. So why would all "Islamic" Financing Institutes in Jordan, charge the highest rate, ask for down payments of 40% (20% if you are connected -wasta-) and must have two Government/Public Shareholding Company Employees to act as loan sponsors (one if you are connected -wasta-)!? Having too many complications is...

Who Sane's Investigation 97 Days and counting

Looking back at the Tragedy that touched the heart of Jordanians in general and bloggers in particular on Sep 07. The Minister of Health stated that a thorough investigation was underway (it was stated on 11 Sep 07) that is 97 days old today. The director of Prince Hamza Hospital was relieved from his post. This is a good thing, but it's not enough actions should be based on the results of the investigation. If we fire the director of every establishment that has such mistakes will this solve the problems at hand and what about the other careless employees?! It seems that the investigation is heading for Scenario (3) Follow up is due and it ain't over till the fat lady sings... Happy Eid to everyone especially the new minister of health, who certainly has a tough legacy to build on.

سنة منسية كانت تهز المدن و القرى زمن الصحابة

في العشر من ذي الحجة أمر كان يفعله الصحابة و قد أوشك الناس أن ينسوه تماما... نقل لفقرة من مقالة في طريق الإسلام التكبير والتهليل والتحميد: لما ورد في حديث ابن عمر : "فأكثروا فيهن من التهليل والتكبير والتحميد". وقال الإمام البخاري رحمه الله: "كان ابن عمر وأبو هريرة رضي الله عنهما يخرجان إلى السوق في أيام العشر يكبران ويكبر الناس بتكبيرهما". وقال أيضاً: "وكان عمر يكبر في قبته بمنى فيسمعه أهل المسجد فيكبرون ويكبر أهل الأسواق حتى ترتج منى تكبيراً". وكان ابن عمر يكبر بمنى تلك الأيام، وخلف الصلوات وعلى فراشه، وفي فسطاطه، ومجلسه، وممشاه تلك الأيام جميعاً، والمستحب الجهر بالتكبير لفعل عمر وابنه وأبي هريرة. فحريٌّ بنا نحن المسلمين أن نحيي هذه السنة التي هُجرت في هذه الأيام، وتكاد تُنسى حتى من أهل الصلاح والخير بخلاف ما كان عليه السلف الصالح.

فضل صيام الغد (يوم عرفة) يوم بسنتين

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم عن صوم عرفة: «أحتسب على الله أن يكفر السنة التي قبله والسنة التي بعده» [رواه مسلم]. صيام يوم عرفةعَنْ أَبِي قَتَادَةَ الأَنْصَارِيِّ رَضِي اللَّهُ عَنْهُ أَنّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم َسُئِلَ عَنْ صَوْمِ يَوْمِ عَرَفَةَ فَقَالَ: «يُكَفِّرُ السَّنَةَ الْمَاضِيَةَ وَالْبَاقِيَةَ» [متفق عليه].

خير من الجهاد! ه

أغمض عينيك... تخيل أنك تعاني قسوة البرد في العراء ترابط في ليل شديد الظلمة تسمع عواء الكلاب و تجر زادا لا يأكله إلا من أشرف على الهلاك من شدة الجوع و قلة الزاد أقدامك تؤلمك مع كل خطوة تخطوها في حذاء يشقق أسفل قدميك بثقله و لكن عليك أن تمشي باتجاه ما قد ينهي حياتك على هذه الأرض... تتجنب أن تصدر أي صوت خشية أن تطلق عليك النيران... لم تستحم منذ أيام و قد علا وجهك غبار و جراح... و تحس بطعم التراب في كل جرعة ماء و إذا توضأت لم تجد إلا ماء باردا يكاد يجمد أطرافك... تخشى أن تغمض جفنك مع أنك تكاد تسقط من الإعياء... تواجه الموت كل لحظة ترى أصدقاء يموتون و لا تعلم ماذا يفعل أهلك في بلاد أخرى و هل سترى إبنتك تكبر أم هل ستقبل يد أمك مرة أخرى و قد جابهت كل ذلك في سبيل الله... كم سيكون الأجر عظيما عند الله... تخيل أن هناك عملا أعظم من ذلك كله بين يديك الآن... العمل الصالح في هذه الأيام خير من الجهاد في سبيل الله... نعم الأيام العشر من ذي الحجة التي نمر بآخر أيامها لها كل ذلك الفضل و لا يكافيء العمل الصالح فيها إلا من خرج في سبيل الله بنفسه وماله ثم لم يرجع من ذلك بشيء!!! ...ه أيامنا هذه التي أقسم ب...