
عرض المشاركات من يونيو, 2008

Lebanon - Le Bristol (Al-Hamra St.)

First time in Lebanon, almost one week ago... And my advice is don't go to the Bristol, the "antique look" is nice but you might actually want the bathroom sink to drain water without having to remove the plug with your own hands.... eeekh The front office last night was a terrible mess, a lebanese guy who is so confused to the point that he starts and ends conversations while we wait for him to allocate the already reserved rooms... Two rooms but he can't seem to find the reservation untill we actually show him the reservation details on the laptop! and he goes "hmmm aaah now I get it 2 rooms one night!" Anyway, I asked if I can connect to the internet and he said yes, all you have to do is connect to the ADSL plug in your room, we will send it to you once you need it. As I was heading towards the room, I saw the door open, one of the hotel staff was getting out of the room and another went to the bathroom, saying sorry we just need a few minutes. Then I ha...

إغرق أكثر

إغرق أكثر تحت أوراق و أعمال و ملفات و شاشات... إغرق أكثر في أسفار العمل... لعلك تنسى عيونا تجرك إلى قاع آلام لا تطاق... إغرق أكثر في مراسلات و مشاريع لعلك تنام قبل أن تتذكر ما فقدت... لعلك تحيا من جديد لعلك تنهك إلى حد تموت فيه الذكريات قبل أن تنسل كل صباح تمزق الآهات... في كل صلاة... في كل مرة تقود مركبة أو تلمح طيفا...ه إغرق أكثر في كل تفاهات الحياة في كل الأفلام التي شاهدتها... لا تترك لحظة إلا و قد أنهكتها في شق الثواني نحو الموت... فليس هناك من أمل إن داهمتك الثواني دون إنشغال... إن داهمتك فلن تجد سوى جر الدموع ...ستجرك لا محالة إلى سراديب الظلام...ه و في كل يوم رغم آلاف الأوراق ستسرق منك دمعة و نظرة... ستطوى كل أشواقي إلى قبر و أدعية... ستظمؤ كل نظراتي إلى طيف و لا تروى... ستنزف كل أوتاري بصوت إسمك دون أن تسمع... ستنصت كل آذاني بلا أمل... و لا صوت يخفف عتمة الأشواق... فلا تنظر ولا تنصت سيأتي يوم بلاعمل ولا شقٍ... ستلقى فيه من أحببت و قد فارقت من زمن...ه فاغرق أكثر

Part Time Job & a Great Learning Experience

Suitable for University Students, fresh graduates and anyone who is interested in making an extra buck without the constraints of rigid working hours. You will learn or develop skills required to run marketing campaigns, manage inventory, develop sales skills and refine your customer service skills in an online working environment. You will open new markets explore new targets and develop concepts in growing a new online business. We are looking for smart people who are, self motivated, organized, creative and posses a good knowledge of MS Excel. If interested send your CV to mkilany at yahoo... or just send us your mobile number and we will contact you to schedule an appointment.

King Talal's House, Mosque and Legacy!! Not sooo appreciated...

If you scroll down, you will see photos of King Talal's house in Jabal Amman and a mosque that is named after him. The mosque is in terrible condition on the main road leading to the Dead Sea. Quite a shame! King Talal ruled Jordan for 11 months, he is someone I think of as a "clock builder" and NOT "a time teller". A metaphor that is taken from Jim Collins books entitled "Built to Last" and "Good to Great", in which, based on years of research looking for the qualities that separate great and enduring companies from others. One of the distinct aspects is that they build systems that continue to operate regardless of who is in charge, the concept is to build a system that works instead of building companies around individuals no matter how great they are. This obviously leads to sustainability and better performance. In 11 months he: 1) Initiated the first constitution in Jordan. The most remarkable aspect was giving the Parliament the auth...