"CHALLLEEEENGE!!" Sneaky smile, Bill Cosby

Behind PC’s that look like bars and office cubicles that resemble cells in a tight security prison… what makes us tick?

Amazed and sadly amused by what drives us on and on… for 8, 10 even 16 hours a day of slavery forced by our own “FREE” will, in pursuit of happiness (this has nothing to do with the movie)… Anyway back to the "harj"…

It looks like everyday people focus more and more on money to the point that the more important stuff is put aside… Personally, it amazes me how I can always find some extra hidden energy reserve when its about work but find myself too tired to do anything else…

The problem is, I’m really not the kind of person who is so attached to money, at least I thought so… and so did the people who knew me… but numbers suggest otherwise and numbers do not lie…

So what has this to do with Bill Cosby screaming “CHALLEEENGE” to the old tap dancer, (wonderful old episode by the way)… with that sneaky smile… calling him to rise to the floor and show his best? Almost nothing…

But I have a challenge for you…

I made this amusing exercise to check on how money driven I’ve become and see where other people are heading… I’ll call it the (Spiritual Meter) you can call it the GREED MONITOR ;) …

So here comes the challenge…

In a week, see how many hours are spent on:

1) Work (Studying qualifies only if you’re a student, if it doesn’t what does?
2) Sleeping (I love this part)
3) Eating :(
4) Spiritual activities. (Prayer, reading the holy book, Meditation, etc).
5) Education (& Guess what, TV Comedy series do not count for improving your English)
6) Fitness and sports…
7) Entertainment (quality family time counts)…
8) Others…

Now time to calculate some percentages.... So, based on 7 days a week or (168 hours) my scores were as follows:

40% Work 68 hours (66 hours 11 hrs six days + 2 on firday’s) :(
30% Sleeping
12% Entertainment
4.8% Eating
4.8% Spiritual Fulfillment
1.8% Education… (I read a little :) hmmm too little…)
1.5% Fitness
5.1% Others (Misc. Activities… ya was wondering about time spent in shopping & bathrooms)

So where do you stand? Time to rethink your priorities if your spending more time on Eating than on your education and spiritual fulfillment…


‏قال An Oriental Blog
Nice idea.. I'll try it, but i think i'll get deppressed after i see the results

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