أمة تتمزق فرحا لأجل البتراء
قرأت مدونة بعنوان هل يحق لنا أن نفرح... آلمني شعور الناس بأن الفرح مقياس للمواطنة و كأن من لا يفرح منزوع من إنتمائه للأردن... و كأن الأردن منزوع من هذه الأمة و كأننا نسينا "مثل المؤمنين في توادهم و تراحمهم كمثل الجسد الواحد..."يا أخي ليس من شيمنا أن نعلن أفراحنا إذا كان جيراننا ينصبون بيوت العزاء, قد يفرح البعض بصمت خجلين من إعلانهم الاستعداد لاستقبال أموال السياح و فسادهم و لكن أن يسهر الناس و يسيروا مطلقين الصيحات في شوارع كانت تئن... في شوارع جابتها خيول صلاح الدين يوما ما نحو الأقصى فهذا أمر مخجل و هذا ما كتبت في تعليقي
يحق لنا أن نفرح في زمن لا يشعر فيه المرء بانتماء لأمة تتمزق... يحق لنا أن نجوب الشوارع نصيح رجالا و نساءا فرحين باعتراف العالم بروعة البتراء ولكن لا يحق لك أن تحرك ساكنا إذا رأيت العالم نفسه يغتال أخاك... اااهيحق لنا أن نفرح و دمنا يسيل صباح مساء... أي عالم نعيش فيه عندما ندرك كل يوم أن أكبر مصائبنا و أكبر إنجازات أعدائنا كما قال قائل... هو أننا لم نعد نشعر أننا أمة واحدة... يحق لنا أن نموت بشيء من الكرامة, بدلا من أن يسجل التاريخ أننا أمضينا ليلا كالنهار وسط ألعاب نارية حمقاء بينما كان إخواننا يحترقون بألعاب نارية من نوع آخر (تعديل) 1
Petra winning this comptetition should is a national win. Our brothers in the near by countries should be happy for us.
So not being happy is also a measure of "arabism" and "islamism"? Isn't that a contradiction of what you say?What I meant when I said was that we in jordan still face the fact the some "brothers" don't give us the right to exist, jordan is still a buffer zone in their mind. Well jordan is not a buffer zone anymore, jordanians of all origins must be proud of petra, jordanians of all origins should work for the better of jordan..Jordan is the home of many people who fled their countires because of wars, Jordan opened its arms for all arabs, We did what we can and now we have to focus on ourselves..
We view this from a completely different prospective. You believe that our duty is to Jordan before any other brother... I don't... I choose to dream of the 100,000 Bedwins who almost lost their lives from Jordan's desert because they believed that "We are all ONE PEOPLE"
Mohannad, its not about being unhappy... its about being considerate, about feeling that you are one part of the whole nation deep down inside... This is something we do not do but we should... It's not only about Jordan being a buffer zone, and certainly has nothing to do with the right to exist... Its the same for all other Arab countries... Egypt, Syria, Gulf... etc
I know your perspective BUT isn't arabism over-rated? We have to focus on jordan, a strong jordan is better for arabs and muslims, a moderate jordan is better for arabs and muslims..We are surrounded by dicatorships, the will of the people is the last thing on the rulers minds so why jordan be the only savior? We can't, the only resource we have is me and you and every jordanian that wants his country to become a better place.. Patriotism is not racism, the prophet mohammed was a patriot, he was proud of his tribe and his land but that didn't make him a racist..
"Al aqraboon awla bel ma3roof"
Just keep that in mind..
like you dont have one in amman.
I know you mean well, but again I'm not saying its our duty to save anyone else... it is the duty of everyone to save everyone else... How do you feel when you read history about how states previous Islamic rule at some point made treaties with the crusaders against fellow nations in the same area... This is exactly what is happening these days...
For me there is one nation and its not only Arabs, as for the prophet and what he said, it has nothing to do with patriotism in the sense of belonging to one part of the land, "al aqrabon awla bel ma3roof" doesn't mean that you shouldn't feel with others or even risk the lives of aqraboon for others... and the seira is full of examples when our prophet sent armies to the ends of the earth (risking those aqrabon) because one of the sahaba was killed... or one woman was unveiled... It was one nation (Salman Al Farisi, Suhaib Al Romi or Bilal) all were as valuable as his cousins... didn't his cousin loose his life in Mu'ta if he was to say no Family first then he wouldn't send an Armi as far as Jordan...
Welcome to this blog :)
شكرا بدأت أعتقد أني الوحيد اللذي يشعر بشيء مختلف
your approach can't work when we are weak and we are the waeakest nation on planet earth, islam's beaty is in its essence of peace and diversity but sadly islam now became a culture not a relegion, it became behaviors and fatwas not logic and peace. Killing will not solve anything and sadly these days when we say dead or killed we get ready to hear the word muslim. What I meant when I said "aqraboon" is that first build yourself then you can defend islam, you can't defend when you are weak because your actions will be out of desperation and we don't want that, we want our actions to be out of logic and mindfulness.
Anyway, you are a good person with good intentions but we disagree on the means, the goal is one.
I will not respond to the insults on the other post..
Thanks for the space.
I don't disagree with respect to building a strong Jordan... I'm only concerned that it is built just for the sake of building and on the expense of others... contemplate on this hadith:
لأن يهراق دم امرء مسلم أعظم عند الله من هدم الكعبة
what about demolition of countries...
Ask your self what is your goal in this life? Money, famous,. being happy?
I was wondering when you were going to step in and comment...
The borders are much deeper now, they are dividing our hearts and minds...