Blogide and Conquer

We know Divide and Conquer far too well in the middle east... Now how do you discriminate between people? its very simple, all you have to do is one step, focus on a few people who are ignorant and racist from any country or background.... lets say for example Jordan & Iraq, Northern Tribes & Southern Tribes... Anything...

JUST Broadcast the actions of any of a racist couple of guys in the media... And voalla divided and conquered...

People from either side will GENERALIZE.... without even thinking about it, its built in in their brain... stereo typing... And before you know it, before the clip is finished one of the family members watching the news will say... oh, Those low level Jordanians... they were always like that, they did this and that...

And on the other end you will be hearing all the racist comments you never thought an intelligent person would say... "man, those Iraqis, they destroyed our country... I can't buy an apartment"
"those Egyptians they are not Arab!!!" "Those Syrians are only playing with the poor Lebanese"...

And there you have it! Just expose the racist comments of a few and people will do the rest, generalize and spread hate like crazy dividing people into tiny tiny little groups... It is no longer the action of the few who cursed, No in the minds of people it is "THEY", A NATION is STEREOTYPED... and HATED...

So the Question is... Are you Blogging somewhere along those lines without even knowing it... Are you exposing wrong doings of the few without realizing the generalization that is being done in comments... Are you Stereotyping?

Are you building or destroying, dividing or uniting... Are you serving divide and conquer without knowing it? Read your own posts again before you answer... I think I have to go back into a few of my own...


‏قال غير معرف…
Good post.
‏قال Mohanned
You have to give me something:)
My friend, do you think it is wierd that moslty jordanians are the only ones that try to be politically correct?

When someone who is ignorant or racist read something, he can interpret it in his way and it becomes racist, no? When you label a nation as ignorant low level, then he is the racist, whey didn't he post about the Iraqi celebrations of the win in amman? isn't that something that will bring us closer? But no, jordanians must turn their other cheek when they get slapped on one! I think it is a duty for me to expose any racism or hate toward jordan and jordanians, because he who knows his enemies can be ready and again I am not generalizing, but if a narrow minded ignorant person read my comment he will say this is racist!
Maybe some people read a family name then by default they assume that this guy is racist, ignorant, was sent to school based on was6a and 90% of his family must be mukhabarat! I think you know what I mean, and sometimes ignoring that we are hated or dispised by some people is a sign of weakness and I think thats why jordan is always attacked, if we had some oil and more water we wouldn't have to deal with this crap, but zay ma begooloo yel3an abu el fager wel fasad.

‏قال M Kilany

Mohannad, wa 3alaikom al salam ;)
I'll give you something, you always provoke me into writing a very long comment :)

I don't know where to start, I'm not sure what you mean by being politically correct, but I assume you're talking about being part of a larger nation and looking for everybody's interest not only ours... but I think you are generalizing when you say that...

so in short, NO... not ONLY Jordanians do that.. And this is not about turning the other cheek... why is it so hard for us to accept that we can be wrong and that people can critisize us when we do something wrong... why is it turning the cheek when someone says that's a mistake and be civil about it... why do we have to shout back, It's no one's interest to expose hate in a way that attracts more hate... You can always expose it and point out that they someone is wrong instead of saying the Iraqis caused this and that and become part of dividing people...

I don't know why you mentioned families and was6a but while we're at it... I think 50% of your family might be chasing the other 50% if you know what I mean :)

And man, everyone is attacked, no matter how much oil and water they have... its not relevant... look at the US ya abu el was6at :P

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