Anyone up for Business Co-Blogging?

Are you interested in starting up a Co-Blog... Actually a business Co-Blog... Where you contribute to business knowledge... All bloggers will have partnership rights to the blog? Are you up to the challange of making a dream come true? We can give people hints, tips and advices on a range of business views starting from the most basic concepts on organization and time management to how to run their own business, management tips, marketing tips, HR tips and so on...

Maybe just maybe we can pool our experiences into one source and change lives or even raise effeciencies to another level? What do you think?

P.S. This will be a totally new blog not an update on an existing blog... Everything is up for discussion, if you have any ideas of your own its time to brainstorm!


‏قال M Kilany
Take the first step and nominate a blog name... lets get the ball rolling...
‏قال Bilalٍ
Great idea abu kilany. I have been thinking about it for a while but found it difficult to start alone.
I am in!

Will think about about an outstanding name.
‏قال M Kilany

Welcome onboard, it is difficult to start such a project alone, you need a great team of well educated experienced people, hopefully we will be getting there soon :)
‏قال Amer
count me in.
I hope the blog could address the business environment in Jordan and other Arab countries.
‏قال M Kilany
You ARE DEF IN :) welcome on board...

Yes, It should...

Any ideas on the Blog's name
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