At least once in your life you have written something so intense, so full of inspiration, perhaps so funny or maybe just so sad... You would look at those few lines and pride will glitter in your eyes, you'd say "I wrote this... I can't believe I did :)"... Then, you would probably put those amazing words back in a drawer, locked forever, where no one would ever read... you would hope that someday, maybe after you die one of your kids, or grandchildren would know how great you were! You have probably written this marvelous piece of work on the back of your lecture notebook ages ago in the university, maybe in your good old composition notebook at school... Perhaps, in your diary... In a published article if you were lucky enough... or in your blog! Those few lines that you wrote and believe to be the best you ever wrote, would be the goldmine of human emotion, inspiration, intelligence, charm and wit... to name a few... Every person would have experienced something un...