يا مفطر هلأ هلأ... بتمك جردون معلأ...ه

كانت هذه إحدى الأغاني الإستفزازية و وسائل الضغط الفعالة في زمن اخر عندما كان يصيح أطفال الصف الرابع الإبتدائي عند إكتشاف أحد المفطرين يا عيبو... يا مفطر هلأ هلأ... و هناك الكثير من التشكيلات الشعرية بإيقاع مؤلم للمفطرين... يااه...

أذكر أننا كنا نتحدى من سيصوم كل رمضان هذا العام و طبعا هناك دائما من كان مثالا في قوة الإرادة... شخص ما كان يفتخر بأنه صام رمضان كاملا في الصف الثاني إبتدائي و طبعا لا أحد يتجرأ على الكذب في رمضان... و خصوصا إذا قال أحدهم "إحلف" أو "الدنيا رمضان"... إيه يا ترى عما يتحدث أطفال الصف الثالث و الرابع ربما عن أغنية شخبط و لخبط أو تحدي السجائر
يؤلمني أن براءة الأطفال تستغل في هذا الوقت و توجه إلى أغاني هابطة... عندما تصبح رموز الإغراء هي من يخاطب أطفالنا و يوجههم
فثمة أمر ليس على ما يرام... أي مثال و أي هدف لأغنية تتكلم عن طالبة تغري أستاذا و كل يوم تتصدع رؤوسنا بشيء جديد...
أنا شخصيا أفضل أغاني الأطفال الإستفزازية على طراز أيام زمان على طراز يا مفطر هلأ هلأ ... و لكني لا أستبعد أن تبدع مطربة أخرى بأغنية عن رمضان!؟ والباقي عندكم...ه


‏قال غير معرف…
E'3ra2 has always been there, a couple of decades ago at the time of black and white movies Egyption movies were known for their scenes that were "too bold", but you never heard third graders discussing sex because they were raised better, because they were supervised by fathers who do not drool over similar scenes and mothers who do not undergo plastic surgeries to look like Haifa Wahbi. il rakk 3al tirbayeh!
‏قال M Kilany
Agree that E3'raa2 has always been there along time ago but it was never directed towards youngsters... And exposure to such movies was late at night...

You are absolutely correct about parental guidance but it doesn't mean that parents are to blame for everything, there are other parties involved as well...

On a side note, Did you know that peer pressure is more important than parental guidance in the way kids behave!?
‏قال غير معرف…
Nope I didn't know that, and I still don't believe it, peer pressure is caused by peers whose parents haven't raised well. Anyway, a kid who is raised to be an independant individual who can differentiate between right and wrong wouldn't be influenced by other kids who weren't taught better. Ba3dain those supposed singers were once kids who were either suffocated by their fundamental parents or who had no parental guidance of any sort. The infamous Dana is an example of the latter, did you know that her dad composes her songs lyrics? The ana dana ana dandan and meen illi ma ye3raf doudou and the rest of the songs, Haifa was raised in a very religious family, her sisters are Hijabis, she was forced to get married at an early age, to her cousin I guess.

Fa keef ma jibt-ha batale3lak iyyaha inha it revolves around parental guidance :d
‏قال M Kilany
I guess we disagree, I believe we have a choice... Life is filled with examples of great parents and bad kids... of parents who suck and great kids...

Even kids without parental guidance but they grow up to be great people...

Parents are not the ones to blame for every single thing the kid does... It's way too american: someone would always say in a movie "ah my life sucks because my parents didn't do this and that!"

As for peer pressure, I will give you statistics that are very interesting from a book called Freakonomics, they were an eye opener... You will be amazed :D
‏قال Bilalٍ
Hmm..I agree strongly with Three that you life will depend to a great extent on how your parents will raise you. Now, peer pressure is an important factor, but the most important ones are parents.

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