Jordan is a great place to INVEST!

So you think of investing in Jordan and want to have some basic numbers on Jordan's construction boom? Basic information that may open your eyes to the market size... What do you do?

You just want to know the Area licensed for construction? So you go to the Department of Statistics Website, guess what?

The most recent statistical report is 2 years old... hmmm, well OK lets try out the Ministry of Industry & Trade, sorry... no statistical information whatsoever... Well what about, the ministry of housing? No try again... OK The Jordanian Engineers Association!! Dhaaa, no wrong again... maybe they are banned from putting such sensitive info, ok lets check the Jordanian Contractor's Association NOOOO...

Well, what about the Municipality.... nopes.... I just want to know the size of the market, how many licensed square meters?!? Aghhhhhhh... I don't want to know what are the recent purchases made by anyone!!!

ok, at this point any investor with the IQ of a one year old will get it, this is NOT an INVESTOR FRIENDLY Environment and it's certainly not the IT heaven everyone is talking about... The information is outdated and oh by the way, why do some websites have the minister's photo at the home page with the name just under the photo!?!? What is the point of presenting this information at the home page? If I wanted to know I would have checked the staff department, if there was any? As a foreign investor, I would probably think, Too much bureaucracy, I guess... a one man show to say the least...

So as an outside investor, should I hire an agency to perform a study for the Jordanian market maybe send in the troops to study the market? A persistent investor will do that, a busy investor will not...

The truth is, Jordan's numbers are actually very promising, it is a country full of potential, it just doesn't seem like it for an outside investor... Ministries are simply not customer oriented, they don't show you what you need, they show you what they need to show! two very different concepts... sometimes they overlap and many times they don't...

Too many hurdles to cross, too much time to get the info you need, too many useless websites that will boast the achievements without providing any really useful information on what's going on at the moment...

Jordan is a great place to INVEST? it just doesn't look like it on the web!


‏قال Bilalٍ
Sometimes, my bad luck leads me to check some governmental website, and its both sad and funny. Outdated and irrelevant. I am sure someone from the kitchen designed the website.

"بدنا نسوي موقع عشان نبين إنا بنشتغل، حطلي فيه صور البتراء وجرش وعنوان الوزارة ورؤية الوزارة وماتحط أي معلومات مفيدة" آه، وحطللي موسيقى ياني عند المقدمة"
‏قال M Kilany

LOL... ta7sheesh..
.فعلا شر البلية ما يضحك
‏قال Mohanned
My A$$ is a better investment..

Ya zalameh lazem yheddoo el ordon o nballesh mn awwal o jdeed, hek ma benfa3 :D
‏قال M Kilany

I'm sure you have great assests for investment :) but really Jordan is promising... at least to business men who are not easily diverted elsewhere ;)
‏قال Lapa
أزال أحد مشرفي المدونة هذا التعليق.
‏قال Bilalٍ
أبو الكيلاني، جاعدين بنستنا أشياء جديدة يللا شد حيلك

المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

Destroying A King's School in Jordan (Built in 1947)

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