
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2008

فضل صيام عاشوراء (غدا و بعد غد)ه

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في صيامه : « صيام يوم عاشوراء ، إني أحتسب على الله أن يكفر السنة التي قبله» [رواه مسلم 1976 ]ه صحيح مسلم عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال: "حين صام رسول الله عاشوراء وأمر بصيامه، قالوا: يا رسول الله إنه يوم تعظمه اليهود والنصارى"، فقال : «فإذا كان العام المقبل إن شاء الله صمنا التاسع» (أي مع العاشر مخالفةً لأهل الكتاب)، قال: "فلم يأت العام المقبل حتى توفى رسول الله".ه قال ابن القيم رحمه الله تعالى في زاد المعاد (2/76): "مراتب الصوم ثلاثة: أكملها أن يصام قبله يوم وبعده يوم، ويلي ذلك أن يصام التاسع والعاشر، وعليه أكثر الأحاديث، ويلي ذلك إفراد العاشر وحده بالصوم". والأحوط أن يصام التاسع والعاشر والحادي عشر حتى يدرك صيام يوم عاشوراء.

Governments & Complete Bull

"What doesn't break your back makes you stronger", I bet whoever invented this worked in an oppressive government and had no medical background whatsoever :) They forgot to tell you that it hurts ALOT, and in a few years time if not immediately... you will probably be unable to lift heavy objects, including your grand children or baby kids... You are at least vulnerable to a "slipped disc" in your spine.... and continuous back ache for the rest of your life... Now, how does that make you stronger... it just doesn't, it's a simple outrageous lie... They tell you this just to make you feel good about taking continuous beating on your back... Someone is interested in your hide... oh, you should feel good cause if it doesn't break then it certainly makes it stronger!! Lift your spirits, because after a good round of beating you will be able to learn how to live with some serious disabilities... you will master the art of being beaten and moving on with y...

The "Fafy" Class Evolution in Jordan

This post is the ridiculous labour, mental exhaustion, hallucinations and contemplation of the tiny minute details that passed us by so quickly... In short its about the rise and fall of "fafies" in Jordan... A new breed rising on the bones of others... The amount of change that we are witnessing in Jordan is fascinating. When I was in School, I remember that if someone was saying (aal o olna) instead of (gal o golna) or (MAMA) instead of (Yummah or El-Waldeh) lol... Then the poor kid was quickly classified as a "fafy" type of person... belonging to the people who live in Shmeisani!!! For those of you who don't know what a "Fafy" boy is... its the boy who's spoiled, rich and a classified wimp... The bullies and the teachers would use the famous good old question, "Where are you from, Shmeisani!!" -laughing-... To indicate that a boy is spoiled belonging to a class that doesn't know how to fight with the rough guys coming from the poor...

Killing The Baby Devil!

I've been reading this post , it will turn your stomach and give you nightmares to say the least... There is a saying in Arabic ضربتين بالراس توجع it translates (in meaning) to "Two punches on the head, are too many"... well, Black Iris doesn't settle for two and drives his hardest punch in the third story to knock all the sense out of your head... and it goes like this: "Forty-five months in exchange for one: The Criminal Court has sentenced a 31-year-old woman to three years and nine months in prison for killing her one-month-old baby in August 2007. The tribunal first declared F. A. guilty of murdering her infant and handed her the maximum punishment, but immediately reduced the sentence by half because her husband dropped charges against her. Court papers said the defendant was married to a man who was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment by the State Security Court after being convicted of drug smuggling. Two years later, the defendant got involved with an...

"العثور على مقبرة إسلامية بإيلات تحوي رفات مئات الجنود"

المقبرة تضم بقايا مصحف ما يرجح أنها لجنود عرب عن قناة (الجزيرة) ه قالت مؤسسة الأقصى إنها اكتشفت مقبرة إسلامية قرب مدينة إيلات جنوب إسرائيل تحوي رفات المئات من الجنود. وقال رئيس الحركة الإسلامية داخل الخط الأخضر الشيخ رائد صلاح إن الكشف جاء بعد أن نبشت بلدية المدينة المقبرة لدفن أموات يهود فيها. وأوضح الشيخ صلاح في تصريحات للجزيرة من الناصرة أن المقبرة تضم رفات أموات بعضهم بملابس عسكرية يخترقها الرصاص إضافة إلى حبال لا يعرف إن كانت استخدمت لإعدام الجنود أم لا. كما تضم المقبرة بقايا مصحف شريف وشارات عسكرية وقطعا من السلاح الأبيض ما يرجح أنها لجنود عرب قتلوا أو أعدموا خلال حرب العام 1948. ووجهت مؤسسة الأقصى نداء إلى كل الجهات العربية لإيصال أي معلومة متوافرة تفيد بالتعرف على رفات الأموات وهوياتهم وأسباب موتهم ودفنهم في هذا الموقع. المصدر: الجزيرة

Defeated or Not!! Jordanians, Palestinians, Iraqis...

To win is to subdue an enemy to your will... It is as simple as that... Your enemy doesn't win when he kills... When he gets higher returns on income... A victory is only attained by your enemy when you behave exactly as he wants... When the US/Israel command and we obey we are defeated... It does not matter how much money we get... it is as simple as that... The US was able to tame the Red Indians and make them adopt a different way of life... Are we heading down the same path... Palestine was controlled by Crusaders for some time, if people accepted that fact and looked at the economical benefits and taught their kids that money is more important than anything... No one would have sent Armies to free the land... Defeat is not a matter of guns, economics or manpower... It is a matter of willpower... One Ideology Vs. Another...

Can't stop thinking about your Grave...

Every smile leads to you, every poster, every corner... All the lonely drives I take to work and back home... I think of you... and all the pain just rushes back to strain my throat... as if you just left yesterday... Every prayer, when I sit... I just remember how you taught me what to say... I remember how you pushed for a better me... Snowy nights and morning prayers in a distant mosque come flashing back... Every school reminds me how you used to sneak out of line 10 minutes before the bill rings just to pick me up... so I won't wait forever in line... Every apartment that is for sale, every brother I see with another, every gym, every cigarette, every cup of coffee, every PC game... I cannot forget... Every book I see...I see your face... At every car that looks like yours... I almost crumble into tears... Every time I get sick, reminds me of all the long nights you spent with me in a cold distant hospital, every time I get sick I remember how you sacrificed "kids play...

Jordan Going Nuclear & we are not alone!

Sarkuzi & The King in Aqaba, Nuclear power support is coming from France for Jordan's ambitious project in developing Nuclear Energy. That's the headline in today's Al-Dustoor newspaper. What's not in the headline is that Sarkozy is also providing Nuclear support to Egypt as well... I've checked a few websites on the issue, there is quite considerable talk of Nuclear Power in the whole Middle East region, check this out : "In the Middle east and North Africa: Iran, Gulf states, Yemen, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Morocco" Another thing is, the King seems to be shopping around for efficient Nuclear solutions from a number of different places. France is the latest, since " Sarkozy wants everyone to have nuclear power ", he is capitalizing on his technological assets and has his very own explanation of how sharing this will bring the west and Islam closer together... Other candidates to shop from are the Canadians, the...

Making The Best Cup of Tea

I don't even like Tea... But our office angel (He is a man but I hate the term "office boy", it reminds me of slavery in the US)... anyway, he learned a new skill in the art of making tea... The colour is perfect, the scent is refreshing and his secret is adding, Cardamom that's... هيل by the way... yes, full seeds of Cardamom... Try it, it tastes great... It's also known as Iraqi Tea or Chai تشايnot Shai و ليس شاي

2008 Industrial Shutdown, Transportation & Construction Chaos

Sounds too Tragic... not really... Just a reasonable outcome... Does anyone really comprehend the total effect of a sudden rise of fuel & electricity on all levels. We always look at the common man who will definitely be shocked and buried in bills. But we simply forget other factors that might change the face of Jordan forever. Industry in Jordan was feeling the heat of competition in the last few years and many have shut down and decided to move on to a neighbouring country. Competitive products from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and many others enjoy energy prices that are much less than Jordanian factories. They have increasing shares in Jordan and competition is simply out of the question. So what happens if 70% of the manufacturers in Jordan, cannot cope after the planned rise in fuel and electricity. What about the people working in the factories, to the trucks that are hired to deliver the goods. Major contractors have already started mumbling about new prices and the straw th...

2008 & My Punctuality Gym

I have one hell of an issue when it comes to waking up in the morning... I'm usually 30 minutes late at work, I always stay after working hours as well but that's not a solution... I have to get my act together and an idea just popped, I know I also want to get back in shape... so I went to a gym, checked out their working hours 6:00 am - 11:00 pm, it all clicked... I can wake up at 5:15 AM, pray... get my things ready.... go to a 60-90 minute workout at the gym, have a shower and head straight to work... Impossible, right... NOT... I tell the man at the reception, "if I go out I will never come back, I want to subscribe for one month and see how it goes..." Impossible is nothing... today I did it... feeling fresh... The shower was a disaster, water was cold... well not cold somewher in between... but I was 10 minutes earlier today my punctuality is redefined... Everytime I remember the shower, it feels like the mistake of a lifetime...