2008 & My Punctuality Gym
I have one hell of an issue when it comes to waking up in the morning... I'm usually 30 minutes late at work, I always stay after working hours as well but that's not a solution...
I have to get my act together and an idea just popped, I know I also want to get back in shape... so I went to a gym, checked out their working hours 6:00 am - 11:00 pm, it all clicked...
I can wake up at 5:15 AM, pray... get my things ready.... go to a 60-90 minute workout at the gym, have a shower and head straight to work... Impossible, right... NOT... I tell the man at the reception, "if I go out I will never come back, I want to subscribe for one month and see how it goes..."
Impossible is nothing... today I did it... feeling fresh... The shower was a disaster, water was cold... well not cold somewher in between... but I was 10 minutes earlier today my punctuality is redefined...
Everytime I remember the shower, it feels like the mistake of a lifetime...
About the shower germs and all that, it felt really creapy... I was thinking the same thing while I was freezing...
Ah, for years and years i used to wait for you outside to go to work together and that affected my mental health, i will sue you for the money i am paying to shrinks!
Regarding the Gym, that is a great idea. I have been thinking about it for months now since i go t work now at 8:30 but mesh 3aref, yemken.
Regarding what Hani said about germs, remeber how your brothers in Afganstan and other areas shower and you will be glad for the Gym shower:)
I know I know... but you should be thankful... I have taught you something that cannot be taught in school... "Patience"