Is it true that one should put his own country's interest above everything else... even if we are part of a larger nation... Does our sense of belonging to Jordan mean that we are no longer a part of this nation or are these things completely different...
What if there is a conflict of interest between Jordan and Afghanistan, should we go for the gold even if it hurts Chechnya for example...
Should we build Jordan even if the blocks are from the ruins of fellow nations... Should our building rise high even if it blocks breeze from our neighbours...
How do you measure right and wrong? What is your criteria?
What if there is a conflict of interest between Jordan and Afghanistan, should we go for the gold even if it hurts Chechnya for example...
Should we build Jordan even if the blocks are from the ruins of fellow nations... Should our building rise high even if it blocks breeze from our neighbours...
How do you measure right and wrong? What is your criteria?
1- reality.
2- Dreams.
You have to deal with reality and keep your dreams in your mind until you can realize those dreams..
Look at jordan as a human being who is in a battle, Mr.Jordan is weak and the opponent is 1000 times stronger so what does Mr.jordan do? fight and get killed or train and become stronger?
" wla tolqoo b2anfosekom ela al tahlooka"
So yes jordan is first until we can become independent strong state, after that we can be more powerful and more capable of making changes.
Are we stupid enough to adapt an ideology that has caused wars,miseries and destruction for some opportunist Sultans and kings that only care about their survival
We Jordanian reject this racist ideology and policies that only intention is to drive a wedge between our brothers in Palestine ,Syria,lebonon ,Iraq and the Arab world at large.
Our strength is in Unity and brotherhood ,its the only way can Jordan live and be prosperous and independent from the West and their handouts.
I knew you would say that... but the problem is if building a stronger Jordan will break a few other countries, then what?
I'm with you on that...
I don't mind the publicity :) but you will regret putting me on your blogroll :)
Did Hitler and Mussolini really use the exact same slogan... or the meaning...