Proficient Arabic?! What's wrong with this Picture?

The Army Uses this slogan, The Municipality, The Police Force, So many... But is it correct?!?


‏قال غير معرف…
I think it is..
Saying abu instead of aba would make it sound like a past tense verb, while in fact it's some sort of a wish, and aba al hosain is not a (fa3el) to be abu ( bil waw), it sounds like we are saying :A3asha allaho aba al hosain, so it's like there is a hidden fa3el and aba is maf3ool bihi so it should be mansoob..I think..I dont know, its been so long working on i3rab:) so can't really justify it properly but I think it is correct!
‏قال Who-sane!
Excellent question!

It's ABSOLUTELY wrong!!

الجملة لازم تكون "عاش أبو الحسين"، والسبب أن "أبو" فاعل مرفوع وعلامة رفعه الواو لأنه من الأسماء الخمسة

مع تحيات ... أبو الحروف
‏قال غير معرف…
LOL @abu el 7oroof, but I think this time he is not aqwa min al shadda wala a7ado minal madda, and he went wrong in this one!
‏قال M Kilany
سلام لا أعتقد بصراحة أن أبا الحسين هو الصحيح, بعدين ما ضل إشي من الجملة إلا و شطبتيه :) يعني لو أنها بدأت ب "عشت" فمزبوط حرف النداء ممكن يكون مح>وف, بس يمكن الإخوان ما وسع معهم حرف الواو لأن اللوحة بالأصل كانت عاش الحسين فحشروا "أبا" بالوسط في الختام سلااااام :)

Thanks, I really don't know al e3rab bas ya akhi mesh zabtah bel saleiqah بالسليقة... and usually it works, I started doubting good old "saleiqa"...
‏قال Mohanned
I recently heared that the king is pissed off about those things.
‏قال Mohanned
Not the prononciation, I mean the whole public dispaly of his pictures.

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