2008 & My Punctuality Gym

I have one hell of an issue when it comes to waking up in the morning... I'm usually 30 minutes late at work, I always stay after working hours as well but that's not a solution...

I have to get my act together and an idea just popped, I know I also want to get back in shape... so I went to a gym, checked out their working hours 6:00 am - 11:00 pm, it all clicked...

I can wake up at 5:15 AM, pray... get my things ready.... go to a 60-90 minute workout at the gym, have a shower and head straight to work... Impossible, right... NOT... I tell the man at the reception, "if I go out I will never come back, I want to subscribe for one month and see how it goes..."

Impossible is nothing... today I did it... feeling fresh... The shower was a disaster, water was cold... well not cold somewher in between... but I was 10 minutes earlier today my punctuality is redefined...

Everytime I remember the shower, it feels like the mistake of a lifetime...


‏قال Hani Obaid
For the price of a couple of years gym subscription, you could get a treadmill and free weights, and then you can shower at home. Not only will the water be hot, the shower will be cleaner since dozens of people go through the gym shower leaving their germs and god knows what else there.
‏قال M Kilany
right about that, but I will need a new apartment...

About the shower germs and all that, it felt really creapy... I was thinking the same thing while I was freezing...
‏قال Bilalٍ
"I have one hell of an issue when it comes to waking up in the morning" YES YES YES, YOU HAVE AN ISSUE:D
Ah, for years and years i used to wait for you outside to go to work together and that affected my mental health, i will sue you for the money i am paying to shrinks!

Regarding the Gym, that is a great idea. I have been thinking about it for months now since i go t work now at 8:30 but mesh 3aref, yemken.

Regarding what Hani said about germs, remeber how your brothers in Afganstan and other areas shower and you will be glad for the Gym shower:)
‏قال M Kilany
I know I know... but you should be thankful... I have taught you something that cannot be taught in school... "Patience"

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