Disconnected from East Amman

We simply forget... We forget that West Amman is not the whole of Jordan... We need harsh reminders of poverty and misery to remember that the world is not West Amman or even East Amman...

It is almost 60 minutes after sunset in Ramadan, a lonely man in his seventies with a short white beard sits on a stone curb in downtown Amman, sipping soup... For those of you who are not familiar with Ramadan it's the holy month of fasting, where Muslims must abandon worldly pleasures of food and sexual enjoyment from sunrise till sunset....

Eat nothing and drink nothing... For most of us, sunset is a time to sit with family and enjoy a good meal as soon as the Sun sets down...

Clearly this is not the same for others who sip soup only 60 minutes after sunset on a stone curb... with no one to talk to...

To them a warm salute, we no longer fast to remember the poor and hungry... We are too busy with TV shows, facebook, blogs and PS3 games...

Disconnected from East Amman is a much more subtle title, disconnected from Jordan, Arabia, Middle East, Africa... and the whole world is what it really is...


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

Destroying A King's School in Jordan (Built in 1947)

Fasting & Heightened Senses