
عرض المشاركات من مارس, 2007

Two Young men, A picture and a Graveyard in Zarqa

Ok for those of you who never visited one.. This is how a graveyard looks in Jordan... It was Wed, the day before yesterday to be more accurate... I had to go to a funeral in Zarqa and I had no idea where the Hashimiya Graveyard is, so I went to Zarqa ... I drove and drove for ages... I needed directions badly so at the first sight of a crowd... I asked two young men for directions, they looked decent, one with fair skin the other a bit darker... They started giving me complex directions and another old man with a long beard stepped in, interrupted them and started giving me clearer directions... The two young men still stood in the background while the old man gave me directions... I glanced at them as they spoke and saw them smile... The old man walked away smiling at me, I thanked him for being so helpful... The two young men approached me again and asked with some hesitation in their eyes... "Are you going to the graveyard?" I said sure, hump in... I had no idea why I s...

Jordanians & Palestinians, The Roots of Hatred

It took 100,000 Brave Bedouins to explain the roots of hatred between Jordanians and Palestinians. It also took 200 Sheiks and the New York Times unbelievably rich Archives. It was all in an article dating back to 1936. The title was 100,000 BEDOUINS SET TO AID ARABS. From Amman, Trans-Jordan. I felt the passion I long forgot. Remembered dreams long forgotten and sensed the defiant dust of Arabia in this article. Originally published in June 27 1936, the short article in the NY Times states: “a meeting of desert sheiks resulted in a decision”… “They are ready to join Arabs of Palestine in their guerrilla warfare against the Jews and the British”. “ After a meeting of 200 sheiks, leaders of desert tribes, one of them said: “We must go to the aid of Arabs in Palestine. We are all one people. These are our lands. “Freedom for Trans-Jordan is useless without freedom for Palestine. Talk and strikes have won nothing. We must cross the Jordan and win Palestine back from the Jews and the Bri...

Photos: Bulgarian Posters in Jordan? Graphiclub

So this poster exhibition is taking place in Graphiclub in Amman. Suweifieh , here are some directions... Go to Wakalat Street then take the first left... around 200 meters and it should be on your left... Graphiclub , has its own atmosphere... warm and inviting... a nice place to see something different, enjoy an Oreo shake and relax... We "Vital Edition" are showing some books there as well, mostly bestselling business and self improvement titles plus some political books and award winning novels... check it out... Enjoy...

New Fossil Discovery Sinks Evolutionary Theories

This is an article I found on a website http://www.hyahya.org/articles/70New_Fossil_Discovery_sci32.php#aa "A newly found fossil skull in Chad has confounded the proponents of the theory of evolution. Darwinist scientists confess that this fossil has rocked the very foundations of the theory of evolution. The fairy tale of "an evolutionary chain stretching from ape to man" has once again collapsed. This new ape fossil found in Chad turned all evolutionary theses upside down. The new fossil skull found in the central African country of Chad has dealt a heavy blow to the evolutionary claims regarding the origin of man. Given considerable space in world-renowned scientific journals and newspapers, this new fossil has shattered the claim that "man evolved from ape-like creatures" so doggedly maintained by Darwinists for the last 150 years. Discovered by the French scientist Michel Brunet, the fossil was given the name Sahelanthropus tchadensis. The fossil has set t...

You woke up and Al-Aqsa is demolished? Its all over the news...

Really what would you do? I hate my version of the story because my mental exercise goes like this… What would you do if you woke up tomorrow and on your way to work/school you overheard this news Al- Aqsa mosque is demolished? Nothing…. My guess is you would look sad for a couple of minutes talk about it with your friends… maybe blog the hell out of it for a couple of days… and then what! Simply nothing… Is the news on Huda's family death less tragic , is the Iraqi blood spilled every day any less tragic ... Is Majeda's story of rape... You would continue your search for a better job, more money and mind your own business... Maybe if you were so hooked on liberation or religion then you would shed a few tears upon hearing the news and maybe some more at nighttime just before you go to sleep… (THAT IS, IF “FRIENDS” WASN ’T SHOWING ON TV THAT NIGHT)… Really what would you do? It’s a bit sad maybe you can lighten up my day and show me the other version of the story… Is th...

The #1 Free Download of 2006

You're looking for that email, that excel or word document and can't find it... the windows find option takes ages going through all the data... U need that file on urgent basis and you remember that the email had something to do with "Paul" & "Sweilem" maybe the word frustration was mentioned ... All you have to do is write the word in your google desktop bar hit enter and Voalla, prepare to be dazzled... This has to be the best download I've done in while, I was saved a million times at work, I don't know how I managed without it... Google Desktop, unbelievable reliability... Super quick search on everything in your PC... it even searches the content of the emails and other files... Be careful this might make your life easier... Love GOOGLE

Commodore 64 (The Good Old Days)

Does "The Last Ninja" ring any bells?! what about Summer Games? no maybe Curse of the Azure Bonds... or Nemesis.. no, maybe Hero... These are all great good old games from the mid and late eighties ... I'm having an adrenaline rush just thinking about the good old days of Sakher , Synklaire , Apple and the best of the best in those early days the "Commodore 64".... Now me and my brothers had a nasty addiction to Commodore 64 games... on Wednesdays (school vacation was Thursday and Friday back then), we would all get some (Ammunition or tha 7' eira which is code name for Food :) and stay awake all night "literally all night" playing one of those group games where everyone gets a turn, like summer games... Of course our parents didn't like that but we always managed to get around that issue... with a sad naive look on our faces... The sound and music offered by Commodore 64 was at that time the best thing ever... We would go to sleep at 7 am.....

Qwaider Planet, Jordan Blogs and dwwen, Top three @ Day 4 of Voting

Update on favourite blogshop, its day 4 and Qwaider still leads... Qwaider Planet 57% Jordan Blogs 20% dwwen 9% toot & Maktoob 7% Jeeran 2% Sawtona 0%

Great Tips for Google Search

Ok, Search can sometimes turn ugly, these tips should make your life easier, I found 12 nice tips on this blog three of the tips I really liked, one I already knew, ok heregoes: 1) Word Definitions: If you need to quickly look up the definition of a word or phrase, simply use the “define:” command. Example: define:plethora 2) Explicit Phrase: Lets say you are looking for content about internet marketing. Instead of just typing internet marketing into the Google search box, you will likely be better off searching explicitly for the phrase. To do this, simply enclose the search phrase within double quotes. Example: “internet marketing” 3) Exclude Words: Lets say you want to search for content about internet marketing, but you want to exclude any results that contain the term advertising. To do this, simply use the “-“ sign in front of the word you want to exclude. Example Search: internet marketing -advertising 4) Site Specific Search: Often, you want to search a speci...

Top Ten ShortCuts

I'm talking about Windows and related software, MS Office... Shortcuts separate the newbies from the experts when you deal with computer software, most of my work is with MS Word and MS Excel, and Internet Explorer plus file management on my PC... I just hate hoping back and forth between the keyboard and the mouse, when I first started with PC's I wish someone would have pointed out the following shortcuts... They are my top ten or the ten I use the most, this is actually something very basic but I wish someone told me earlier, would have made my life easy... Ok so here goes nothing : 1) Ctrl +Mouse Scroll, Ok I know this is not a keyboard shortcut, its more of a Keyboard+Mouse shortcut... but I just love it, if you're in IE, excel or word... Zoom in, Zoom out, Time saver and you're a shocker when you do it with the boss over your shoulder (Damn, what was that!? this boy is really good). 2) Ctrl +C Yes copy that file, text or picture... etc without having to go to ...

أحسن كيس ملاكمة في العالم... مواطن أردني

لماذا؟ هل لأنه يستطيع تلقي أقوى الضربات المالية دون أن تسمع له صوتا ولا حتى صوت ارتطام ذراع الحكومة المالي بأنفه الإسفنجي... أم لأنه قادر بشكل عجيب على التشكل بحسب الضربة الموجهة إليه بحيث أنه من المستحيل أن يؤذي القبضة التي تمتدد إليه بسرعة البرق و الهاتف لتستعير منه دينارا بعد إذنه... قد يكون السبب هو الحشوة العلوية التي أنفقت عليها الملايين لتطوير و تطويع أقسى الحشوات... يقول بعض الخبراء بإن الفن الحقيقي يتمثل في نظام ضبط الجودة غير المسبوق فلا يمكن أن تجد في الشارع ولا حتى نصف وسادة غير مؤهلة لتلقي الضربات المتتالية بمرونة عجيبة... فجميع الوسادات الغير صالحة أو التي تقترب فترة صلاحيتها من الإنتهاء يتم أولا إعادة معالجتها (بالعقل) و تخضع لعلاجٍٍ نسبة نجاحه غير موجودة في أي دولة أخرى (بضم الألف يا إخوان بالضم مش فتحة ولا ما يحزنون, فعلا التشكيل مهم, نرجع لموضوعنا)... يعني لا سيغما ستة لضبط الجودة ولا عشرة على الشجرة بطلع معانا براس... و أما بالنسبة للحشوات الغير قابلة للمعالجة فيتم عزلها أو إتلافها حتى لا تؤثر سلبا على غيرها (يعني بالمشرمحي ولا حتى تحلم تشوفها ماشية بالشارع و نافشة ح...

Qwaider Planet gets more Votes than the Parliament Poll

Ok , so end of day one on the voting for your favourite blog-shop, Qwaider Planet takes the lead in day one... Jordan Blogs in 2 nd place and the rest are trailing ... check it out in detail... So Anyway, what has this to do with Jordan's Parliament ... the thing is, I started a poll on Jordan's Parliament a few days ago to see what kind of interest it triggers... and the number of votes on such an issue is not even close to half the votes that Qwaider Planet had... Interesting don't you think... You can come up with a few conclusions... one of them could be People are not interested in the Parliament in the first place... maybe the question is too obvious to answer and not worth voting... or Maybe... Just Maybe... people are still too terrified to speak their mind on anything that relates to the government, although we are talking about an anonymous poll a poll that seeks your opinion in qualifications of the nations parliament... Perhaps the recent events on freed...

استفتاء: ما هو "مجمع المدونات" المفضل لديك؟ صوت هنا

Blog Aggregator عرفتوا شويعني مجمع المدونات بضم الميم الأولى و فتح الجيم و كسر الميم الثانية مع التشديد مش عارف قلبت ميمعة المهم :) المهم يعني تووت ولا قويدر ولا مكتوب ولا صوتنا ولا دوّن ولا جيران ولا Jordan Blogs صوت لأحسن" مجمع مدونات" في رأيك؟ بعدين حدا يحكيلي وين الشدة مع الكسرة على لوحة المفاتيح منشان الله مش معقول شو بتغلب لمّا أطبع بالعربي

What’s your favorite “BLOG-Shop” (aggregator)? Vote here…

Is it Qwaider Planet, Jordan Blogs, toot, Jeeran , Maktoob , dwwen , sawtona ... By the way I know there is no such word "blog-shop" but I just hate using the word Aggregator feels like on the starship enterprise when you say it... A Tip you probably know already: If you have a popup blocker, then when you're about to press that Vote! button, press Ctrl and keep pressing until you click... This will prevent the Pop-up blocker from blocking this nice little voting window... Have fun Voting & Good luck "Blog-Shops"

Money Making & Saving Tips

The following tips are based on a best-selling book on becoming a millionaire. It was around 70% junk; I’ll try to summarize as much as I can of the 30% I thought was worth reading. The book itself despises the poor and glorifies the rich in a very materialistic approach, in every possible occasion; I wouldn't recommend reading it believe me it doesn’t even start to sound interesting until after you’ve read through half the… The next half was a bit useful and here are some concepts and budgeting tips are found to help you control and implement strategic money spending, I’ll add a few statements here and there so its not only the book content you’re reading here, its my personal feedback as well: A few budgeting tips to control your money spending habits: 1) Assign play money!! I found this interesting cause you don’t usually see this tip in budgeting books. Why should you assign play money? Because if you don’t you will not have control over your spending habits, you might e...

Passive Income (Tune in for more money)

Sounds interesting… well it is, I read this a few months ago… The author is a best selling geek and money trainer… way too snobby when he talks about the poor… and money driven in every sense… But you’ll find some useful information here and there; I’ll summarize as much as I can in a couple of posts, I will also add statements that have nothing to do with the book... The Concept of Multiple and Diverse Passive Income generators, it sounds complicated but its actually quite simple, the idea is to have your money work hard for you instead of working hard for the money, so invest with minimum effort and supervision. This can be done in a number of ways: 1) Venturing with a reliable party (friends and family will probably be the best option since mutual trust is the basis for any good investment). You will be amazed of how many great ideas are looking for capital funding; even small amounts or monthly installments can mean a lot to business startups. Again the opportunities shou...

The Picture that Broke My Heart...

Can you hold your tears... look closer for you might see all the anguish in this child's cry... Look closer for you might see his neck streched , his vocal chords strained too tired too scared to look at his amputated arm... One hand trying to hug his dad searching for comfort from all this pain... no more tears left to shed... I can almost hear his choked weeping... Listen, you can almost hear his cry... His father's eyes sadness, confusion and despair locked inside... You can almost read his eyes: "I wish I could do something my son but I can't... I'll just hold your face to the other side so you won't see what's left of your arm, don't look for you might be scared of all the bleeding my little one... I'll stay beside you until you forget you had too hands... I know you wanted to hug me with both arms, with all your strength but you can't... Patience.... shhhhh patience... " Can you see the anguish in his eyes... I ASK YOU AGAIN... Can y...

Tips on Becoming Organized (Part 1)

These tips are based on reading a book entitled “It’s hard to make a difference when you can’t find your keys”. The following tips are not a magical solution to the paper clutter in your office or the piles of clothes in your bedroom… Organizing your life is something to work at… it requires discipline and below are tips that may prove to be of great value… 1) WHY? Find out why you want to be organized, its very important to know the benefits you’ll reap from organizing your desk, car, home, … It’s a new form of discipline that requires a high level of motivation. Are you wasting too much time looking for things at work or at home? Do you end up with a red face when you’re asked urgently for that piece of paper, how many appointments are you missing because you can’t find your keys, your mobile, or that nice looking black sweater… List your reasons and place the list someplace visible to keep you motivated. 2) Envision When you are clear about WHY? Start visualizing J what the hell are...