
عرض المشاركات من أغسطس, 2007

Godfather's of the JO-Blogosphere

If you've been reading blogs for some time you must have noticed a few Godfather's around the blogk. They are the bloggers whose names are associated with an unusual kind of respect, the ones who are considered as the leaders of the blogging pack not in numbers of visitors or in fame but in a kind of silent respect. Most of them belong to the same generation that started blogging long before the flame caught the dry grass on JO-Blogosphere, but that is not what identifies them... Rather, it is their ability to shine integrity, professionalism and self respect. Their ability to somehow keep on going with the same start-up enthusiasm. Somehow, they are able to keep a standard of their own. I thought of putting a poll on those Godfathers but then again that would be my own personal opinion and naming them would be simply.... pointing to the obvious. What is more interesting is seeing those Godfathers in the making, it is always interesting seeing/reading a potential Godfather ma...

So This is Why I'm Always Late!

Reading can make a difference in people's lives, sometimes writing makes a difference in the author's life. When you read you might run with the text at some point and not let something sink in, when you write it's sometimes a different story. To make a long story short, I read a book on organizing strategies and techniques a long time ago, I just finished editing a post on the subject on our new Business co-blog; a blog that is open for business authors to make a difference. Anyway, I realized one very simple fact - while editing Item (7) Be realistic with time! Read it and let me know if you find it interesting.

We need a Baby BLOG NAME?

Ok , so we are starting a business co-blog, anyone with a solid knowledge in Marketing, Sales, Negotiations, Time management.... who is able to submit business related material is welcome to post and become a partner in this project... We are now looking for a name for this baby blog and suggested address... Go ahead and leave a mark?

Anyone up for Business Co-Blogging?

Are you interested in starting up a Co-Blog... Actually a business Co-Blog... Where you contribute to business knowledge... All bloggers will have partnership rights to the blog? Are you up to the challange of making a dream come true? We can give people hints, tips and advices on a range of business views starting from the most basic concepts on organization and time management to how to run their own business, management tips, marketing tips, HR tips and so on... Maybe just maybe we can pool our experiences into one source and change lives or even raise effeciencies to another level? What do you think? P.S. This will be a totally new blog not an update on an existing blog... Everything is up for discussion, if you have any ideas of your own its time to brainstorm!

ON DEAD BLOGS and Avoiding it!?

Every reader's nightmare... It's sad... You step into a once great blog, one that was once updated regularly, sometimes a few times every day... with tons of comments and suddenly, it stops breathing, comments are no longer pouring in, it just dies... The blogger, stopped blogging... Blog readers, stopped coming in... Like everything else, there is a cycle in every blog's life; starting as a baby blog that's small and out of place with minimum public attention but maximum care by the few kind blog parents that nurture that blog (friends and kind bloggers) showering the baby blog with comments and visits... Then if you're lucky enough, an angel aggregator would bring you into the public eyes... My advice is go to Qwaider Planet & Jordan Blogs... That's your safe house, with all the hostility out there, thus stepping into your toddler years and probably even adolescence... You'll meet great new people, some kind and some not so kind... You'll ...

What can A Japanese Tea Master teach you?

I find the Japanese culture very interesting, the following it is based on a book I finished reading last week and this is how a tea master taught the author the essence of a Tea Ceremony, "Lift a pen right now with your left hand, ok, now that you hold the pen firmly in your left hand put it anywhere on the right side of your desk." The Tea Master Goes on, "Now, lets do the same thing but this time, you have to think before you move! before even reaching for that pen you should decide exactly where you want to put it, ok now do it... Notice, how efficient and smooth did it go, much better than the first time, right! That's exactly what you should do in life..." Think before you move and see the final place you want to get to! It will make your trip alot smoother and much more efficient. Pouring tea or a "Tea Ceremony" is not as simple as it sounds at least in the far east, parents send their kids at an early age to learn the fine art of Tea Ceremonies...

Do you have an older employee under YOU!

I always wanted to know more about leading older people in a demanding work environment, I used to feel uneasy about giving them directions, especially in a construction industry were you might find people in their fifties working as carpenters or foremen... In a middle eastern culture, there are so many obstacles when dealing with older people... Now this website is unbelievable and has some really nice tips and even short business videos. And one of the issues discussed is "Managing a Staff of Older Employees". If you have anything to add, please go ahead and comment because it might make a difference for a young graduate and an old employee under him :)

This picture goes back 1000 BC in Jordan!!

They could have chosen a better name, but here it lies at the heart of Amman, more precisely in Jabal Amman... I never knew we had stuff that dated back 1000 BC in Amman, nice!

صورة بألف دمعة! ه

قالوا "لأسباب أمنية"... ااه لأجلك أيها الشيخ الجليل لأجل الطفل الخائف من عتمة الليل لأجل ألف جلاد يهودي لأجل ألف جلاد عربي لأجل كل النساء اللواتي يخشين الضياء لأجل اقتراب فصل الشتاء لأجلك أيها الصامد في غزة... قطعوا الكهرباء من موقع الجزيرة ( سكان غزة اضطروا إلى استعمال وسائل بدائية للإضاءة (الفرنسية)ا حدق جيدا في طفل يعانق أباه في شيخ كبير يتدكر أياما ظن أنها لن تعود في طفل ضرب بكلتا يديه على رأسي لا على رأسه , لعلك تحفر في وجدانك هده الصورة... لعلك تدرك معنى الظلمة و الظلم معا

Do you still believe in humanity?!

Some nations are made of steel, not flesh and blood that must be what The East and West think about the people of Gazza, "No more fuel!" That was Europe's stand towards the people of Gazza... And what about brothers and sisters who are the producers of oil itself... "hmmm, let's wait and see..." What a FIASCO. For those who still believe in humanity, read the news ... Open you eyes and see for yourselves how children and old men live in darkness... in middle ages... Completely alone in a world full of people... left stranded simply because no one cares... Truly, men and women made of steel... God bless you and shame on us...

"The Art of War" & Ultimate Excellence

A very interesting way of looking at war and life from Sun-tzu "Ultimate Excellence Lies Not in Winning Every Battle But in Defeating the Enemy Without Ever Fighting" Sun-tzu

"Arabic influence on the Spanish language"

Wikipedia again... Those were different times and different men... Source of information, Wikipedia at this page Just a small statistic, total words used today in Spanish language influenced by Arabic is 1,214 that's one thousand two hundred and fourteen. Not to mention the influence on grammar. Just remind me how much English words are we using today! in our day to day conversations with Arabs? I guess I'm not the right person to ask this question since most of my posting is in English, but it's sad to say the least...

Bloggers, Mind Mechanism and the new Sykes-Picot fans!!

The mind has a very powerful way of work, fascinating, effective and sometimes quite dangerous. The mind creates "patterns" based on past experiences and codes them in words and gestures that are easy to identify in order to make decisions on the fly. Experiencing a pattern over and over again makes it harder for a mind to change the way it perceives things. For example, if you had a bad experience with a dog... Your mind creates a pattern for dog behavior based on that experience... If you have two, three, four similar experiences your mind identifies this pattern so strongly that it becomes very difficult to change that established pattern and restructure it... This is a very useful trait but can be very dangerous as well; it is very useful because it makes it easy to identify dangerous conditions at a very early stage. Creating patterns and coding them is very useful in terms of establishing minimum communication. The mind doesn't have to experience the same behavior ...

Mossad & our FAKE Borders!!

I quote this from the wikipedia as a simple reminder for you to reflect on, it's ironic how a mossad agent might have better understanding of how fake our borders are than the educated elite who so strongly hold those borders in their heads and hearts... go on, continue to talk about Jordan and Iraq, what a shame! " As former director of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad , Efraim Halevy, now a director at the Hebrew University said, The borders, which if you look on the maps of the middle-east are very straight lines, were drawn by British and French draftsmen who sat with maps and drew the lines of the frontiers with rulers. If the ruler for some reason or other moved on the map, because of some person's hand shaking, then the frontier moved (with the hand). – [6] He went on to give an example, There was a famous story about a British consul, a lady named Gertrude Bell who drew the map between Iraq and Jordan, using transparent paper. She turned to talk to somebod...

A 19 Million Toilet... From Russia to America...

I heard a news on the radio today about a catch, so I looked it up just in case it was hogus bogus... it's not... The news was about one that was made in Russia... Some detailes and a picture here So the Americans thought, ok cool its a lot cheaper there it's around 19 Million, while ours is around 24 Million... lets go for it :) Interesting... Of course this toilet is not your normal day to day toilet, it's one that is designed to be used in Space by NASA.... More on Toilets in Space... Talk about being "behind" in space technology... :)

حزب التحرير في إندونيسيا !؟ هل هو نفس الحزب الممنوع في جميع الدول العربية؟

خبر غريب على الجزيرة عن إجتماع تسعين ألف من أنصار حزب التحرير؟!؟ على ه>ه الصفحة... للمشاهدة

Shawerma Sandwichs & Medics Kill a 23 Year Old

A mass poisoning in Baq'a , Jordan. Reported 97 cases of poisoning and one young man dies. He goes to the hospital, Doctors send him back home after treating him... the next day the young man goes back on a stretcher... carried by men... no longer breathing... The young man's father calls for punishment to the medical staff that sent his boy back home to die... and the doctors say lets wait and see what is the examination result before jumping into conclusions... Do you think anyone will be held responsible for a medical error, I don't think so?!?

Ramzi the #1 Chewing Gum Salesman in Jordan University

This is a true story, that I've witnessed during my university years... it started sometime around 1998... his name was Ramzi, I would never forget for he crafted his name so neatly on that notebook... his journey probably started at the tender age of Seven... He used to hold his tiny box of half full SB Gum, a box that looked a bit too large for his small hands... He would look you in the eye for a second, smile and walk those tiny steps in the hope that you would buy the product he is promoting, (his innocence and compassion)... He was different, he was polite, never said a bad word... a kid selling chewing gum... At days you would see him running away from university guards, who used to kick them out and confiscate his tiny box... his tiny source of livelihood... Ramzi grew up in a university surrounded by young men and women who knew him well, some hated the way he looked, some loved his spirit... I clearly remember the day when one of those young men bought him a present.....

Born in the late 70's early 80's! here's a great post for you :)

It's a great post by a new blogger on the block... I'm sure you'll find his blog interesting to say the least... click it

Better than Oprah!? long time ago on Jordanian Ch 6

First you should remember channel 2 or 6... I never knew why it was called channel 6 but that's how Jordan TV English channel was called in the old days... Remember RAMI Khoury on "Encounter"... For those of you who didn't catch up with this program it was a nineties thing before satellite dishes covered rooftops in Amman.... It was an interview program hosted by Rami Khoury, a rather large man with a beard! who had a perfect American accent... and every time, almost every episode you learned something new... It was really difficult to grab the attention of a kid in his teenage years... especially if you were talking about the "Six Thinking Hats"... But that's exactly what he managed to do? And I became acquainted with Edward De Bono and his work at creative thinking at that episode... He had great presence, it was totally new to a generation of Arcade gamers (Street Fighter II) was hot at that time :) an interview program that didn't have all the st...

Inbox Zero - Higher Productivity from Google Tech Talk...

If you're working, and your work environment is full of email correspondence then this is for you... Talk about "advanced common sense" , very interesting movie to getting more productive... Enjoy...

Do you know what "PO" means?

I'll give you a hint... Edward De Bono...

What Really Happened in Madaba?

Madaba is not a place known of being a troubelsome place, why would people fight overthere for Municipality elections? So many stories told on Families from Balqa voting for a candidate from outside Balqaa'... These are the stories you will hear in the streets of Amman and from people living there?!! I felt like an alien hearing the following stories... Am I living on the same planet?! True or not it gives you an indication of the people's reactions... what they feel and believe and that is something to take into consideration... And these are some of the stories you hear in Amman streets... During a meeting of some prominent families the elders/leaders clearly stated "we have instructions to vote to....." Some of the young & enthusiatsic said no... we are from Balqaa we always vote for our people why not this time... it became clear as the voting process continued that some were destined to win while others weren't... Many people say that they have voted twic...

Time to Vote... Do you think that recent municipality elections in Jordan were representative of actual votes?

Lets see what bloggers and readers think!? This should be interesting... This poll doesn't necessarily reflect the website's owner opinion :)

هل تعتقد أن انتخابات البلديات كانت نزيهة في الأردن؟ صوت هنا!؟

إحتياطا بس يا إخوان....و خصوصا أن هناك خطوط حمراء و لماعة يسرنا أن نعلن أن التصويت لا يعبر بالضرورة عن رأي الموقع ولا صاحب الموقع ولا أقاربه و لا أصدقاؤه و زواره و للأسف مش ممكن نعرف مين اللي صوتوا...

The Royal Crown, A Queen, A hotel and a Lebanese Singer!

Branding is about associating names and logos with concepts and ideas... This sort of advertising is becoming more of a culture... no one cares how the elements blend together... Take another example... Mecca Street Night Clubs!? no respect for the name or the implication, I read this and I remembered one of the posts on Humeid's 360 East, it captured the essence of this issue in this post ...